On Saturday 21/6/1969 we set G3WSM/P up, 1,800 feet ASL on Axe Edge,
near the source of the River Dove, SW of Buxton in the Peak District
of Derbyshire. The station was set up by Brian (G3WSM), Dick (G3WYH),
Ray, a friend and a short wave listener and Ray's son, Mark. Mark
took all the logging details which were later copied into the station
log book, a legal requirement in those days.
Ray brought the tent and the box kite to support the antenna which was
about 60 feet long and series tuned to earth with the ATU on the bottom
left of the first image.
The transmitter was a Codar AT5 running 10 watts of AM on the top
amateur band, 160 Metres.
It was a very successful day and we worked many other radio stations all
over the UK.